Released: October 5th, 2023 
Created With: Unity, Aseprite, FMOD, Botpress
Role: Lead Artist, Narrative & Game Designer

Publisher: DreadXP
Music by: Jonas Füllemann and Paul Schmidt
A game about isolation, control and distraction in the form of a modern text-adventure. Discover what lies behind the door and solve puzzles to slowly reveal the truth of this forest. Experience not only a hidden world but engage in a conversation with the avatar to find out what this game really is.
We modernize the text-adventure genre by introducing "Natural Language Processing" (NLP). This allows us to interpret the players inputs, allowing smooth and personal gameplay. Additionally we use a combination of 2D and 3D which seamlessly blend into each other.
I doesn't exist was published in 2023 through DreadXP and developed with my company LUAL Games. We received the Pre-Production grant through Pro Helvetia and were invited to showcase at various events.
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